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China Military Is A Wreck - Central Custom Molding
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China Military Is A Wreck

1/2/2024 2:36 PM MST

Plastic injection molding in China is getting really tricky and you might be wondering what does that have to do with China’s military, well here’s the connection. One thing that has allowed China to present themselves as a world superpower, is that they have portrayed themselves as a great military power. However, news has leaked that tells quite a different story. Like most news from China lately, the truth appears to be quite different from the reality of the situation. Based on a Bloomberg report, their military appears to be as weak as their economy.

President Xi has been putting a lot of effort into making the Chinese missile force into one of the largest in the world. Not just a major component of the Chinese military, but in fact their crown jewel of the military and their effort to modernize their military. Xi has been making a big show of the fact that his missile force was not only large, but it was more than ready to fight should anyone get in the way of their interests in forcing their will onto the region. Xi has made it very clear that their aggression would result in China’s invasion of Taiwan. For years the world has been holding their breath waiting for the likely invasion.

But in September of 2023 Xi replaced not one, not two, but nine generals within the military most of whom were in charge of managing China’s nuclear arsenal. This move was not entirely unexpected as it was just another move in the ever increasing habit of President Xi to eliminate the people around him. However, it wasn’t until recently that the world became aware of the specific reasoning for the removal of these military leaders.

Xi has been hard at work rooting out corruption within the government since he took office back in 2012. In keeping with this theme, China made it public that the generals were removed in an effort to root out corruption in the Chinese government. But were they really more corrupt than others in the government, or were they nothing more than scapegoats for what has been a common practice for people in the military for decades?

It seems that in spite of a major push to modernize the military, a major oversight has been made, namely, feeding the troops. In an effort to prepare essential meals for themselves, members of the Chinese military have made it a practice of draining fuel from their equipment to use as cooking fuel, and this may be at the root of news that has shocked much of the world.

It looks like instead of being ready to launch at any moment, much of the missile force missiles have no ability to launch any time soon. Rather than being loaded with rocket fuel, the missiles were loaded with water instead.

This is not something that can simply be drained and replaced, water rusts things and can cause major damage to the internal components to a complex system like a missile. This realization is a major embarrassment to Xi and casts major doubts as to whether China could even defend themselves if they needed to, yet alone embark on an invasion of Taiwan.

In addition, it provides valuable insight to the current situation in China. You see, China looks at their people as three groups: on the top are the most important people, the political leaders, next is the military, and then there is everyone else, a group that is of much lower importance than the other two groups. If the military is forced to take fuel from their equipment just to feed themselves, this could be an indication of just how desperate things are becoming behind the wall of China propaganda.


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