China has been a powerhouse of manufacturing for about thirty years now. But the collapse of globalization, poor internal planning, and increased costs are having a major impact on that status. If you have any of your manufacturing in China, you are going to want to get yourself up to speed on the changes that are coming.
This may be my favorite section of the website. This section is designed to keep tabs on the ever changing world that is manufacturing in china. A lot of people aren’t so up to date on these changes and I feel rather than you being blindsided down the road, that we should have a place here to keep tabs on those changes.
I think it’s also important to say that I love the Chinese people as a people. This is not meant to be
derogatory towards the people or towards the Heritage or the race or any of that. It is simply a platform where
we can keep you up to date on the ever-changing situation as the government is struggling through some very real
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For the past three decades, the world has been shocked by the unprecedented growth of the Chinese economy. It has been amazing to watch
them accomplishing in a matter of decades what it took other countries hundreds of years to accomplish. And with all this back slapping,
the giving of congratulations, and the downright groveling some American companies and politicians have been doing to get down on some of
that sweet, sweet Chinese green... It appears that some of our experts failed to ask two critically important questions.
- Is this growth real?
- Is it sustainable?
We now know, or at least some of us now know that the answer to both is, NO.
This may be news to some of you so I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the Government of China is collapsing. I am not saying
that it might collapse, or that it will someday. I am saying that right now, and this very moment, it is in the process of collapsing.
China has been a major player on the global stage for decades, and their collapse is going to have a major impact on the world, and if
you are even remotely connected to manufacturing, it could have a very big impact on you.
This may seem like a strange place to get your geopolitical news, but in the world of globalization, you may have been enticed to locate
some, or all of your manufacturing in China. But since China is actively collapsing, and along with it the concept of you
are going to need to change and adapt with it.
So, with all the changes that are coming, you probably want to keep up to date.
This Page is designed as a receptacle of curated information to keep you updated and informed on some of the biggest changes that are
happening in China, and globalization as a whole.
You might want to bookmark this page and keep checking back every week or so so that you can keep your finger on the pulse.
Big changes are happening and the best thing you can do to protect yourself and your company is to stay informed.
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China Is Different
Of course China is different from the United States, afterall, every country is a little different. But as westerns, we sometimes don't stop to understand HOW different their thinking is. To understand what drives them today, we need to look back at their history.
For thousands of years, the primary objective of whichever government happened to be leading China at the time, was to keep the people
busy; keep them working. What the people did, and how financially successful the endeavor was, didn’t really matter all that much. The goal
was to simply keep people busy.
Consider the massive flood management undertakings of the Yellow river which over thousands of years has raised the river to well above the ground level.
Or the beautiful, epic, and ultimately ineffective military barrier known as the great wall of China.
Even their staple food crop is staggeringly labor-intensive.
Example after example we can see China embarking on these massive “jobs programs”, and from a western, or from a capitalist point of view, there have
been economic failures. But from the perspective of keeping people busy, it has been quite effective.
So, when it comes to modern China, we shouldn’t be at all surprised to see they are doing the same thing over the past thirty years.
For decades we’ve been marveling at the ridiculous prices for goods made in China. I remember working on projects where the tool maker said to
me his customer could buy an entire mold from China for less money than it cost him to buy the steel. And we shook our heads and wondered how that was possible.
Well it turns out... it wasn’t possible if you look at it from a western perspective. But if you look at it from the point of view that money
doesn’t matter, that keeping people working is the only thing of importance... it makes a little more sense. If it costs $10,000 to make a mold,
just charge the customer $3,000, put the rest on credit and we can deal with that problem later.
This is the equivalent of a teenager running around charging everything they want on their daddies credit card. But eventually... that credit card bill
comes due, and it must be paid. My friends, that inevitable day of accountability has come... and China now needs to pay its bills.
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China's Economic Collapse
Evergrande is one of China’s biggest players in one of China’s largest market sectors. This market makes up approximately
a third of China’s entire economy. And now... they have declared bankruptcy. Honestly, nobody should have been surprised by
this, they were effectively building entire city’s all at once, and borrowing money at double digit percentage rates to do
so. All to build housing that people were buying as speculative Investments. The entire thing was a house of cards, and it
was only a matter of time before it collapsed.
Tuesday, September 28th. 2021
Podcast Episode From The Journal China's Evergrande Crisis
Thursday August 17 2023
China's property giant Evergrande files for bankruptcy protection in Manhattan court
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Anti Espionage Law
They say you should never swim out to rescue a person who is drowning, because they will do unexpected and dangerous things... even if it means accidentally
drowning the person trying to save them.
It appears China is in a similar situation when it comes to capital in the form of foreign business. It seems their new anti Espionage law gives even more
control to an already ambiguous set of laws that allows China to access companies’ data and the penalties for such crimes can be life in prison and even death.
So basically, if you are in China, and you receive an email from someone, who the Chinese government, at their sole discretion determines is an espionage
organization... you could be arrested and serve the rest of your life in a Chinese prison.
I am not sure about you, but I could not in good conscience send an employee of mine into such an environment.
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Tech Restrictions
China has always been behind the ball when it comes to advanced chip manufacturing and have not been able to
produce a microchip better than 90nm themselves without help from the outside world.
While the High End and Mid End chips are produced in Taiwan, Japan, and the US, there was hope among some in China that they
would be able to keep up, or even surpass the rest of the world’s microchips. However, it looks like China will not be able to
progress their tech anytime soon.
On August 2, 2023 Joe Biden signed an executive order limiting foreign investment into China’s Tech space. This Order not only
limits China’s access to the equipment and processes required to make higher end chips, it also limits the personnel they are
allowed to have access to.
The importance of this change in policy can not be understated. This leaves China with the chip technology not much better than
what you would find in a calculator from the ‘90s. And it is just one more thing that will have a major impact on China’s future.
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Why Are You Still In China?
With all the problems that are currently going on within China, it begs the question, what on earth would you still have
anything produced there? If you started reshoring today, you still would not be at the forefront of China’s manufacturing
exodus. Possibly you don’t know where to start? And if that’s the case, you are in luck. Step one is to learn everything
you can about the problems coming to you and your company if you stay. And step two, if clicking the link just to the left
and booking a meeting with us today. Let’s chat, and see what Central can do for you.
Keep Exploring The Knowledge
The Strategy Of Pricing |
With cheap manufacturing overseas, we have been able to maintain a consistent pricing policy for the past 30 years. But changes in the world economy are going to
cause us to rethink how you price your products and what products you choose to make.
Click Here To Learn More > | | |
Globalization |
For decades we have relied on globalization as the backbone on which we do business. But as that system adjusts to the new reality, we will need to make changes to
our business, and how we think about our supply chains. This is not something we can afford to ignore, we will need start adjusting our strategies soon before we are
caught off guard.
Click Here To Learn More > | | |